Wednesday 16 November 2011

Bible Book:

"So that we do not give offence to them, go to the sea and cast a hook; take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a coin; take that and give it to them for you and me." (v. 27)

Matthew 17:22-27 Wednesday 16 November 2011


After another warning about Jesus' coming suffering we find thisstrange little story about paying the temple tax. Rather than beinga civil tax in support of Rome the temple tax was levied on everymale Jew between 20 and 50 in order to support the temple and itsservices. One can imagine Jesus sitting in a church service todayand the person holding the offering plate rattling it next to Jesusand whispering to Peter, "Doesn't he put anything in thecollection?"

In fact Jesus does pay the temple tax - although he assures Peterthat they are not obliged to do so. Whilst the manner in which theyraise the cash is strange (going fishing in the hope of catchingsome money is probably not the best fundraising strategy) Jesus'reason for paying it is perhaps even stranger: it is "so that we donot give offence". It's rare that Jesus comes across as someone whodoesn't want to offend! Indeed, later on in Matthew's story he isin the same temple overturning tables and driving out all thosebuying and selling there (Matthew21:12-13).

However, it's clear from this story that he is opposed to causingneedless offence.

Perhaps Jesus is simply wise enough to pick his battles ('let's notrattle the cage with this one Peter because soon I'm going to dosomething that's really going to upset them') or maybe there ispragmatism there; the temple needs funds for its upkeep after all.Besides, it's not the temple or its worship per se that Jesus isopposed to; like his disciples, Jesus was a good Jew.

Whatever the reason, there is a comic tone to this vignette of homelife with Jesus and Peter, a lightening of the story before theheartache that is soon to come.

To Ponder

Is it surprising to you that Jesus didn't want tooffend people in this case? Why? Or why not?

When do you think it is right to offend peopleand when should we refrain from offending?

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