- Authors & translators: Clapperton, Jesse
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Festivals and Seasons: Harvest
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Special Sundays: Covenant
- Theme: Times and Seasons
- Theme: Conversion and New Life
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- Tune: Columcille
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- Theme: Jesus Risen and Ascended
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: David, Caroline
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Theme: Gathering in God's Presence
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Elements of Worship: Gathering
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Authors & translators: Goulding, Carl (auth)
- Composers & arrangers: Goulding, Carl (comp)
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Metre: 76.76.D.
- Tune: Penlan
- Tune: Thaxted
- Tune: Wolvercote
- Metre: 76.76. Triple
- Festivals and Seasons: All Saints
- Authors & translators: Herbert, Andrew
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Authors & translators: Hill, Gareth
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Authors & translators: Grant, Dominic
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Special Sundays: Remembrance Sunday
- Metre: 65.65.D. and refrain
- Tune: Evelyns
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Theme: Remembrance