- Authors & translators: Clapperton, Jesse
- Elements of Worship: Eucharistic
- Festivals and Seasons: Harvest
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Special Sundays: Covenant
- Theme: Times and Seasons
- Theme: Conversion and New Life
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Special Sundays: Vocations Sunday
- Special Sundays: Covenant
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Justice and Peace
- Theme: The Holy Scriptures
- Authors & translators: Brown, Andrew
- Composers & arrangers: Beesley, Jo
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Mission and Evangelism
- Festivals and Seasons: Pentecost
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Kai, David (auth)
- Composers & arrangers: Kai, David (comp)
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Our Journey with God
- Worship Resources: Articles
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Growth in Grace and Holiness
- Theme: Human Life and Relationships
- Tune: Calon Lân
- Tune: Corvedale
- Tune: St Winifred
- Tune: Jesus calls us
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Iambic)
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Barrett, Ally
- Festivals and Seasons: Advent
- Festivals and Seasons: Christmas
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Commitment/Dedication
- Theme: Epiphany to Jesus's Baptism
- Theme: Mission and Evangelism
- Authors & translators: Hill, Gareth
- Tune: Chalfont Park
- Tune: Repton
- Metre: 86.88.6. extended
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Composers & arrangers: Prevett, Matthew
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Mission and Evangelism
- Special Sundays: Mission Sunday
- Theme: The Ministry of Jesus
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Special Sundays: Covenant
- Authors & translators: McCoan, Sue
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Morning and Evening
- Theme: Our Journey with God
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Prince, Rachael (auth)
- Composers & arrangers: Prince, Rachael (comp)
- Theme: Transfiguration
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
- Tune: Bethany
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Gilbert, Vince
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Special Sundays: Conference Sunday
- Theme: Holy Communion
- Metre: (
- Tune: Spean
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Howcroft, Ken
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Special Sundays: Racial Justice Sunday
- Tune: Chalfont Park
- Tune: Repton
- Theme: Justice and Peace
- Metre: 86.886.(6)
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Pettitt, Pamela
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Commitment/Dedication
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Tune: Bunessan
- Metre: 55.54.D.
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Collins, Gillian
- Tune: Handling Holiness
- Composers & arrangers: Wareing, Laurence (comp)