Every fallen sparrow (website only)

Authors & translators:
Murphy, Andrew T
Elements of Worship:
Scripture readings
Elements of Worship:

Every fallen sparrow matters
in the Father’s heart above;
Every creature, finely crafted
meets its Maker, held in love.
Every flower, clothed in beauty,
fleeting glory, sings God’s praise;
How much more are we, God’s children,
loved and cherished, all our days.

Every detail of creation,
every hair on every head,
every child of every nation,
known and counted, Jesus said.
God conceived and finely purposed
every strand of DNA;
How much more are we, God’s children,
held with passion, every day.

Like a Mother, God remembers
every daughter, every son.
Laughing with us, struggling, hurting,
weeping when our day is done.
All are valued, all regarded,
refugee or billionaire,
equally exalted, treasured,
in God’s awesome love and care.

Words © 2023 Andrew T. Murphy
Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
Suggested Tune: Jesus calls us (StF 28) (trad. Gaelic, arr. John L. Bell)

Ideas for use

Andrew Murphy offers here a genuinely intergenerational hymn – suitable as a reinforcement of the Gospel reading Matthew 6: 25-30 for those who know it well, and as a re-telling of it for those who are less familiar.

The tune “Jesus calls us” can be used – and often is – at varying speeds. For these particular words, Andrew suggests a pace that is "thoughtful but not ponderous".

More information

This hymn

takes as its starting point the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6: 25-30 (part of what is known as the Sermon on the Mount): “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.” (The sense of comforting the worried is caught by Friedrich Karl Hermann von Uhde in his image of the Sermon on the Mount above, Art in the Christian Tradition). Andrew draws on Jesus’ imagery, while also giving an unforced nod to contemporary science with a reference to DNA (v2) – cleverly echoing the “hair on every head” from which DNA is routinely drawn.

It is true that there are times and circumstances when many of God’s children find it hard to feel “loved and cherished, every day”. Nevertheless, this text reinforces a fundamental Christian assertion that all are equally regarded by God (“refugee or billionaire, equally exalted, treasured”).

Andrew Murphy

A proud Geordie (he was born in Consett in County Durham and of course supports Newcastle United), Andy began full-time ministry in the Methodist Church in 2008. Formerly the superintendent minister of Market Harborough Circuit, he currently serves a number of churches in the East Mercia Circuit.

Andy has been published both in the printed Singing the Faith hymn book and on the StF+ website. And still he calls us (website only) is another of his hymns that retells biblical stories in a way that is accessible to all age groups.

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