
A prayer for unity

God of all,
Your dream for your people is that we may be one.
In this time of deep divides and damaging insecurity forgive us for the ways in which we have failed to show solidarity,
and failed to see beyond the identity-based fractures that can obscure the bonds of our common humanity.
Renew our commitment to the work of unity,
drawing hope from the promise of your limitless love which embraces all in true belonging.
We give thanks for the courage and commitment of all those witnessing to unity in the midst of fragmentation,
creating spaces for fellowship and accompaniment,
to sustain us on the journey.


Dr Nicola Brady, General Secretary, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

A prayer for gladness and peace

Grant us, O God, to pass each day in gladness and peace, without stumbling and without stain, that reaching the eventide victorious over all temptation, we may again praise you, the eternal God, blessed over all things now and forever. Amen.

Mozarabic Sacramentary (10th century)

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A prayer for new hearts

Give us a new heart, O God, free enough to live by faith, brave enough to endure in hope and generous enough to love without limit.

El Salvador, source untraced

Friday 13 November 2015

“Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same intention (for whoever has suffered has finished with sin).” (v. 1)

1 Peter 4:1-8
