26 October 2017
Winter Flooding
The Methodist Church is joining with organisations andindividuals across the country to help those affected by floodingin Cumbria. The Revd Richard Teal, Cumbria District Chair,comparing this incident with the last major flooding in 2009 said:"The devastation this time is far worse than before". Read on forhow you can respond and how you can donate to the fundraisingappeal.
Storm Desmond
Over the first weekend of December 2015, schools, hospitalservices and travel were disrupted after Storm Desmond broughtwinds, torrential rain and flooding to Cumbria. At least one personis known to have drowned as a result.
Hundreds of homes were flooded and more than 1,000 peopleevacuated. Parts of Cumbria have been hit with more than a month'srain in just 24 hours, with 341mm of rainfall having been recordedat Honister.
Over 55,000 homes in the north-west of England were affected bywater damage or electricity outage, many without insurance.
Cumbria District Chair, the Revd Richard Teal, has respondedwith a prayer for those affected by the flooding:
Creator God, we remember at this time all those whosehomes and communities have been damaged by flooding inCumbria.
In the name of Jesus we give thanks for the courage anddedication of the emergency services who have come to the help andrescue of all in need.
We celebrate the kindness of neighbours in caring forthe most vulnerable.
Lastly, we ask in the power of your healing Spirit torebuild not just the physical communities which are coping withmany problems today but also to give us a sense of trust in yourgoodness through the kindnesses of one another, in Your HolyName.
Churches, community centres and local residents from across thearea have banded together to help with the flood reliefefforts.
If you are local to the area and would like to practicallysupport the flood relief efforts in a practical way, pleasecontact JonnyGios of Sandlyands Methodist Church, Kendal, for moreinformation.
The umbrella group, UK Community Foundationshave recently launched a nationwide flood appeal to supportcommunity foundations raising money for those worst affected bywinter floods.
You can donate to them directly online
In response to a request from Cumbria District, we are appealingto the Methodist people across the country to do what they can tohelp. The Cumbria Community Foundation have set up a Cumbria 2015Flood Appeal to raise funds to support the individuals andcommunities devastated by the storms and flooding, and we aresupporting this appeal as the best way to get help where it isneeded.
The money raised will be distributed to relieve the hardshipcaused for thousands of people by the disaster helping with costsand materials for cleaning up, emergency repairs, clothing, foodand drink, heating and heating equipment, child care equipment andbasic furniture.
If you would like to make an online donation,please
Or by text message, by sending FLUD15 £xx to70070
Alternatively, please make cheques payableto: Cumbria Community Foundation and send bypost to the address shown below. Please state that yourdonation is in response to the Methodist Church Appeal, as thiswill enable us to track the total raised.
Dovenby Hall
CA13 0PN