26 October 2017
Girls' Brigade appoint new Director
Girls' Brigade Ministries has appointed a newDirector.
Julie Murdy (known as Jules) started in her new role onMonday 7 August 2017, replacing former Director Ruth Gilson whostepped down to train for ordained ministry in the MethodistChurch.
Speaking of her new appointment, Jules said: "I'm really excitedto be taking on this role and being part of the continuing story ofGirls' Brigade, enabling girls and young women to discover and livelife to the full."
A Girls' Brigade leader in the Greater Manchester District,Jules was previously a senior manager for IT services within theNHS and will be taking on this new role for a two-year period.
Jules has replaced former Director Ruth Gilson, as Ruth steppeddown after 17 years of service in order to train for ordainedministry in the Methodist Church.
Ruth said: "Recognising times and seasons is importantin leadership and a key to forward movement in the mission of aChristian movement. I feel hugely privileged to have been involvedin the GB story so far - and am stepping down now, as the time isright! '
For more information on the Girls' Brigade Ministries pleasevisit theirwebsite.
Director Julie Murdy (left) with former director RuthGilson (right)
Editor's notes:
- For further details/quotes/interviews please call GBM's MediaCo-ordinator Catherine Burt on 01246 582322 or 07918 765448.