26 October 2017
'Governments must do more to meet the immediate need of Syria's people' say Churches
'Governments must do more to meet the immediate need of Syria's people' say Churches
Four major UK Churches have called on governments toprovide substantial new funding to alleviate the suffering of thepeople of Syria including refugees in the neighbouring countries ofLebanon, Turkey and Jordan.
The call from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, theChurch of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United ReformedChurch comes on the eve of the 2016
In 2015, following the last international appeal by theUnited Nations (UN), less than 60% of the required funds wereraised.
The UN have stated that a further $7.7 billion will berequired in aid to effectively help the vulnerable people in Syriaand support Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, who host the vast majorityof Syria's 4.6 million refugees.
Ethnic and religious minorities, including Christians, inSyria are particularly vulnerable to attack. The four churchesmaintain close links with partner churches in theregion.
Mr John Ellis, Moderator of the General Assembly of theUnited Reformed Church said: "We welcome the UK's commitmentto aid for Syria, and our Government's initiative in hosting thisinternational pledging conference in London. We want every refugeechild in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey to have the opportunity toattend school - but this aim, as outlined by the United Nations,needs funding. It is our sincere hope that the internationalcommunity as a whole will substantially increase its commitment toa situation that is worsening as we speak. Increased funding willmean that those currently affected by the hostilities will not haveto suffer even more in the years to come."
The Rt Revd Dr Angus Morrison, Moderator of the GeneralAssembly of the Church of Scotland, who has recently returned froma visit to Egypt where he met with Syrian refugees, said: "To seeclose up the human catastrophe which is unfolding in Syria and thesurrounding region, is harrowing, distressing and deeply humbling.We have to do more, meeting immediate need within Syria and thewider region whilst redoubling our efforts for a lasting and justpeace."
Warning that churches have been targeted even while fullof worshipers on a Sunday, Dr Mary Mikhael, spokesperson for theNational Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, said: "As theSyrian tragedy continues to unfold, the Christian community isdeeply concerned about its future. Churches and ancient cathedralsin Damascus, Homs, Aleppo, and other places are being purposelytargeted by armed groups, and many have been destroyed. Will Syria,once considered the cradle of Christianity, become empty of thenation's Christian community? This is our deep fear. Over 1.2million Syrians have fled into nearby Lebanon and continue toendure unimaginable hardship. The Christian communities of Syriaand Lebanon appeal for peace, justice and relief for the millionsdisplaced and refugees."
The Revd Jenni Entrican, President of the Baptist Union of GreatBritain, said: "2000 years ago not so far from Jordan and Syria,Mary, Joseph and Jesus were displaced. They were forced to rely onthe good will of those they did not know and their needs were metby the generosity of strangers. The biblical story of Jesus' birthreminds us that behind the huge figures of displacement are storiesof real people who through no fault of their own find themselvesinnocent victims of war."
The Revd Steve Wild, President of the MethodistConference, added: "The bombing and shelling of civilian areas bythe Syrian Government and other groups has caused immense death andsuffering. The disregard for civilian life has been shocking; it iscallous and totally unacceptable even in war."
In the light of the recent deaths from hunger in theSyrian town of Madaya, the Mr Wild continued: "It is a fundamentalprinciple under international humanitarian law that those fightinga conflict must not restrict the delivery of aid to victims. Theparties to the conflict who are meeting in Geneva must tackle thisissue. They have a responsibility to ensure that life-saving aidgets to all in need."
This challenge to governments follows on from a
- The Joint Public Issues Team combines the expertise of theBaptist Union, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and theUnited Reformed Church in the area of public issues. The team aimsto enable our four Churches to work together in living out thegospel of Christ in the Church and in wider society. It aims topromote equality and justice by influencing those in power and byenergising and supporting local congregations. For moreinformation,
click here. - For further information on the donor conference oninternational aid,
click here . - To read the combined statement on Syria,
click here