
Methodist Church House opens its doors for a day

Methodists are being invited to visit Methodist Church House(MCH) on Wednesday 2 April to meet connexional staff and discoverfirst hand the work that they undertake on behalf of the Church inBritain.

Methodist Church House in central London is home to the mainoffices for the Methodist Connexional Team and the MethodistConference Office.

On 2 April, between 10am and 4pm visitors from across Britainwill have a unique opportunity to tour the MCH offices, to chat tostaff at first hand and ask questions about the work of the Churchacross Britain and internationally that interests them.

During the day there will be a brief dedication service for thenewly refurbished MCH chapel, and visitors will be able toexperience an interactive exhibition on the themes of Our Calling,as well as browse in the Methodist Bookshop.

A series of workshops will be offered by staff to demonstratethe wide variety of work undertaken connexionally. These workshopswill include "A Beginner's Guide to the Life of John Wesley","Building Friendships with People of Other Faiths", "Using Music inWorship", "Trade Justice", "There's a School Near our Church" and"Working with the Media".

Team staff from the following work areas will be among thoseavailable to meet visitors on 2 April: Conference Office;Co-ordinating Secretaries' Office; MAYC and Youth & Community;Mission Education; Resourcing Mission; Pastoral Care and ChristianEducation, Children's Section, Women's Network and Magnet; Finance,Pensions, World Church; Overseas Service; Inter Faith Relations;Evangelism; Education; Parliamentary & Political Affairs;Business & Economic Affairs; Formation in Ministry; LocalPreachers; Racial Justice; Communication, Media Relations and FlameMagazine; Personnel: Administration.

There is also the opportunity to meet staff from the MethodistRelief and Development Fund, Methodist Schools and Colleges, theMethodist Ministers' Housing Society and the MethodistInternational Centre.

There will be opportunities to discover new resources, and learnabout vocational or volunteering opportunities with the MethodistChurch locally or beyond. Tea and coffee will be availablethroughout the day, while the area around MCH has plenty of cafesand restaurants to eat and drink.

Methodist Church House is located just a few minutes' walk fromBaker Street tube station.

Further information on the MCH OpenDay