26 October 2017
More tickets made available for Archbishop Welby’s keynote to public issues conference

- Tickets for the keynote address are available
Extra tickets have been made available for those wishing toattend the Archbishop of Canterbury's keynote address at anupcoming public issues conference. The event is organisedby the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) of the Baptist Union ofGreat Britain, the Methodist Church and the United ReformedChurch.
Full day general tickets for the
Mr John Ellis, moderator of the General Assembly of the UnitedReformed Church, said: "It is great to see so many people wantingto attend the 'Love your neighbour: Think, Pray, Vote' conference.Although we can't offer extra full day tickets for the conference,we hope that by enabling people to attend Archbishop Justin'saddress, they will get the chance to find out more about howChristians can work together and engage effectively on socialissues in the run up to the General Election."
Revd Ruth Gee, ex-President of the Methodist Conference who isdelivering the closing speech at the event said: "I am delighted tobe taking part in the Love your neighbour conference, and thrilledthat so many people want to come and explore what Jesus' commandmeans in the context of the general election. It's great thatmore people will now be able to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury'scontribution to that conversation."
Keynote Tickets for Archbishop Justin's keynote address areavailable