26 October 2017
Paul Taylor to join Cliff College as Operations Director

Paul Taylor, currently the Director of Learning andDevelopment (Regions) with the Methodist Church's Discipleship andMinistries Learning Network (DMLN), will be joining the staff atCliff College as its new Operations Director fromSeptember.
Paul has worked for the Methodist Church for the last 17years, firstly in the Northampton District and, since 2011, in theConnexional Team where he has been a part of the leadership of theDMLN since its inception in 2013.
Cliff College is a Methodist theological college in Calver,Derbyshire, which teaches Biblical Theology and provides trainingin mission and evangelism at an undergraduate and postgraduatelevel validated by the University of Manchester, as well as shortcourses. The college is currently made up of more than 250 studentsand staff.
Two weeks ago it was announced that the Revd Ashley Cooper wouldbe stationed at Cliff College as its next Principal. Ashley iscurrently Senior Minister at Swan Bank Methodist Church inStoke-on-Trent and the Superintendent of the Burslem MissionCircuit.
Jude Levermore, Head of Discipleship and Ministries, said: "Paulhas been such a gift to the Church and in his role as a Director ofthe DMLN, he has been extraordinary. He was instrumental in thedesign and implementation of the regional structures, and hiswisdom and insights have influenced the entire network.
"Our loss is Cliff College's gain, and I know that we willcontinue to work together. This comes with our prayers for Paul andfor his family."