
“Pray for peace” say Church leaders following UK vote to take military action in Syria

The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Churchhave made a call for peace following the vote in the House ofCommons last night to authorise UK military action inSyria.

The vote, taken on the evening of Wednesday 2 December, was 397for and 223 against the air bombing of Syria.

The Revd Steve Wild and Dr Jill Barber, President andVice-President of the Methodist Conference have said:

"We join with people of all faiths, as we pray for Syria followinglast night's decision that the UK will proceed with air strikes onISIS/Daesh. Every death is tragic and we grieve for those who havebeen killed and those who will die as an escalation of militaryaction as a result of the continuing conflict.

We pray for peace in the UK, following a difficult decision thathas created sharp divisions.

We pray for peace in Syria, and for the communities and familiesalready devastated by aerial bombing and the violence of the pastfour years.

We pray for peace in the Middle East, that the distrust ofgovernments in the region and beyond that helps to fuelradicalisation can be overcome.  

We pray for peace in the world, that peoples and governments donot ignore the cries of the innocent and that preservation of lifeis at the heart of our actions.

We pray for peace."

Before the vote, the Methodist Church issued a jointstatement with three other partner Churches - theBaptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland and theUnited Reformed Church - to call for a reasoned response.



  1. Clickhere to read the Joint Statement on Syria issued by the BaptistUnion of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the MethodistChurch and the United Reformed Church
  2. The Revd Steve Wild and Dr Jill Barber are available forinterview. Please contact Media Officer Toby Fairclough on 020 74675208 or fairclought@methodistchurch.org.uk