Responding to Hurricane Beryl
10 July 2024
10 July 2024
Last month's Hurricane Beryl caused catastrophic damage across the Caribbean resulting in a reported 28 fatalities with preliminary damage estimated at more than US$6 billion.
While the Methodist Conference met in Leeds, 27 June to 3 July, it responded to the hurricane by sending a letter of solidarity to its partners, the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas. The letter, addressed to Presiding Bishop Juan Simpson, was signed by the President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Helen Cameron and the Vice-President, Carolyn Godfrey.
Bishop Juan Simpson,
Methodist Conference Centre,
Scotts Hill,
St. John’s
July 2024
Dear Presiding Bishop Juan Simpson,
We send you warm greetings from the Methodist Conference in Britain. It is with deep concern that we see the impact of Hurricane Beryl on parts of the South Caribbean and the predicted pathway to affect other parts of the Caribbean and Americas.
It is with sorrow that we have learnt of the loss of lives, those hurt and the destruction of communities. Our thoughts and prayers are with each person, family and communities, so deeply connected through personal connections with communities in Britain.
We also share with you our prayers and deep solidarity with the Methodist Church in Caribbean and Americas as you are both impacted and also seek to support the individuals and communities affected.
May you know the peace and strength of Christ at this time.
Yours sincerely,
The Revd. Helen D Cameron Carolyn J Godfrey
President of the Conference Vice-President