26 October 2017
Share the hope of Easter with your community

A new edition of the popular booklet celebrating the Easterstory is now available from
The 2015 edition of A Gift of Easter contains new imagesand quotations from classic Easter hymns, alongside passages ofScripture.
The A6-sized booklet is part of a series aimed at peoplewith little or no church connection. Using Jesus' words from thecross, the 2015 edition of A Gift of Easter focuses on thesignificance of the crucifixion and the resurrection. Over thecourse of 16 pages, the reader is taken through the events of GoodFriday with the help of images, text and selected verses from theBible. The friendly content and design, which includes a couple ofpaintings from the
Gill Dascombe, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference,said: "Easter is the major festival of the Christian faith, and itshope is our greatest gift to the world. Through the drama of HolyWeek, we witness events which touch the deepest parts of the humanheart: from fame and celebration to doubt, fear, betrayal, cruelty,injustice and death. Yet all of these are interwoven with theprofoundest bonds of love, which ultimately is supreme. The messageof Easter is for everyone."
A Gift of Easter costs just £5 for a pack of 50 (pluspostage & packing) from