16 March 2018
Text PRAYNOW to 82088
Following a successful pilot, the Methodist Church is nowoffering free weekly prayer texts to help Methodists join in prayerwith hundreds of others on topical and personal issues.
To receive the texts people simply send a text message readingPRAYNOW to 82088, which will be charged at their standard networkrate. All of the prayer texts they receive will be free ofcharge.
Users of the pilot service were asked to text in their feedback andthe result was overwhelmingly positive. June M texted in to say, "Iwelcome those prayertime texts, they make me stop & praywhatever I'm doing, where ever I am. Thank you 4 a valued service".Another user said, "Many thanks this service is of great value andhelps to encourage focusing on what is important during what weconsider to be our priorities."
"I feel moved by the idea that people across the country are beingconnected through the prayer text service," said David Webster, theChurch's Internet Communications Coordinator. "Although many findthe beeping of mobile phones annoying, for those signed up toPRAYNOW it will remind them that they are part of a growingcommunity of prayer, whatever may be going on around them."