26 October 2017
The death of the Revd David Gamble

It is with deep sadness that the death is announced of formerPresident of the Methodist Conference, the Revd David Gamble.
The Revd Steve Wild, President of the Conference, said "The RevdDavid Gamble was a great Christian man and a personal friend. He has served his Lord and the Methodist Church in a wonderful wayusing his gifts to the full. David was a man who relishedlife and loved every day. He was the only person who couldever make the Standing Orders of the Methodist Church funny andoften at Conference would have the assembly in stitches over someminor point in our Constitution. At this time, our love andprayers go to Liz and the family."
The Revd Gareth Powell, Secretary of the Conference commented,"David will be remembered for a wide range of gifts and skills, notleast his commitment to making the Church a safer place. Davidknew God's love and he proclaimed God's love in all of the variedtasks that Methodism required of him. He enriched our connexionallife and was a pastor to many. We pray for the peace of David'ssoul and offer our condolences to his wife Liz while assuring her,and their children, Sam, Sophie and Joe of our prayers."
Dr Richard Vautrey, who was Vice-President of the MethodistConference alongside David in 2009, added: "Having had theprivilege and joy to travel with David during his year as Presidentof the Methodist Conference I saw on a daily basis how much he wasloved and respected not only in Britain but by people throughoutthe world. We have lost a great friend and brother but we willforever remain richly blessed by his ministry amongstus."
The Church of England has issued
Glenna Spencer, President of the Methodist Church, GuyanaDistrict (MCCA) said: "The Methodist Church, Guyana District,joins with others in expressing to the family, clergy officersand members of the Methodist Church in Britain our sincerecondolences on the passing of former President, Rev'd David Gamble.May his soul rest in peace, and may the good works he pursuedcontinued to give glory to God and inspire others."
David presiding at Communion in Bristol Cathedral, at thewelcome service for the Revd Jonathan Pye, Chair of the BristolDistrict, August 2015. Photo: The Revd Chris Dobson.
Tribute from the Methodist Church in theGambia
On behalf of the Methodist Church The Gambia, we convey oursincere condolences on the passing of Reverend David Gamble. Heworked with the Methodist Church the Gambia, in the area of legalaspects especially the Constitution, which was crucial in helpingthe Church to Autonomy.
Many in the Gambia will remember his commitment, and his friendlysupport as the Autonomy progressed. His many friends here areshocked and saddened by his passing. The Methodist Church theGambia will always have fond memories of him. We thank God forReverend David Gamble's life and ministry. We also thank God forthe privilege of working with him.
We extend condolences to his immediate family, his wife Liz andhis children, friends and relatives as we remember his life andministry achievements. We also extend condolences to the MethodistChurch Britain who will miss him and his gifts and talents.
We are praying for his family and the Connexion.
May you all know God's comfort and may God grant hisconsolation, love and hope.
May His soul rest in peace.
Funeral service
The funeral of the Revd David Gamble will take place at MuswellHill Methodist Church on Friday 25 September at 11.45, followed bycommittal at Marylebone Crematorium at 1.00.
A Thanksgiving and Memorial Service will take place at Wesley'sChapel, London on Saturday 31st October at 11:30am