26 October 2017
Time is running out - book your place at 3Generate 2015

- Places available until 14 October for 8-11 and 11-18 year oldsand 21 October for 18-23 year olds
- Financial assistance may be available in your area
- Videos: What to expect:
8-11s and11-18s
From 20 to 22 November, this year's annual Methodist Children& Youth Assembly, 3Generate, will feature a variety offun-filled activities following a programme shaped by youngpeople.
At the event, children and young people will explore avariety of topics under the theme of being 'Wonderfully Made' fromPsalm 139:14. Focussing on 'wonderful you', 'wonderful church' and'wonderful world', attendees will engage in games, workshops,prayer, worship and discussions on topics such as self-esteem,community action, immigration and climate change.
New Youth President Craig Gaffney said: "3Generate is always afantastic event and this year it promises to be bigger and betterthan ever. Having moved to the Liddington Adventure Centre inSwindon, we've been able to open up even more spaces for more youngpeople to join the fun. With abseiling, debates, games, worship,specially commissioned slam poetry and more there's something foreveryone. But as well as having fun; it's about contributing andtaking part. At 3Generate, young people have the chance to havetheir voice heard and make a real, lasting contribution to theChurch."
3Generate is unique in offering young Methodists a programmepacked with exciting ways to engage body, mind and spirit, with theopportunity to participate in making a real impact on the churchthat they are a part of. Through the election of next year's YouthPresident and Youth Representatives, decisions made at this year's3Generate will directly affect the shape of next year's event andhave an impact on the wider Methodist Church.
Activities and accommodation are split into three age categories- 8-11, 11-18 and 18-23 year olds, with the 11-18 and 18-23 groupsfacilitating their own log-ins and workshops with support. Aseparate event, 'The Well', will also be running concurrently with3Generate specifically catering for children's and youth workers,allowing time and space for equipping, networking, resourcing andmore.
1. A photo of Craig Gaffney, Methodist Youth President2015/16 is available
2. 3Generate, the Methodist Children & Youth Assembly, isan action-packed weekend for hearing and responding to the voice ofchildren and young people across the Methodist Church, focussing onfun, faith and friends. For more information,
3. Some regional discounts, grants and assistance schemeshave been put in place to help cover costs or arrange transport. Tosee if an offer is available in your area, please contact
4. Youth President applications for 2016/17 are now openuntil 25 September. If you, or someone you know, would beinterested in exploring this exciting opportunity,
5. There are also five different Youth Representativepositions available, with applications now open. For moredetails, please