16 March 2018
Tribute to Sir David Frost
Tribute to Sir David Frost
Broadcaster and writer, Sir David Frost, has died of a heartattack at the age of 74.
Sir David was born on April 7 1939 at Tenterden, Kent, the sonof a Methodist minister, the Revd W. J Paradine Frost. He had anextensive career spanning journalism, comedy, presenting andinterviewed many of the world's most powerful leaders. He will beinternationally remembered for his interviews with former U.S.President Richard Nixon in 1977.
Upon leaving school, Sir David began training to become a localMethodist preacher. He spent one year as a local preacher at ByronRoad Methodist Church where he was remembered for producingsatirical reviews at his local church youth club. He opted tocontinue his studies at Caius College, Cambridge, instead ofcontinuing into ministry. However, his Christian faith played apart in his later work for television: He went on to present a10-week television series on the Alpha Course by ITV in 2001.
David Friswell, Head of World Church Relations for the MethodistChurch, said: "Despite a busy life in the public eye, he alwaystried to find time to visit family including his sister, JeanPearson, who spent nearly 30 years serving the Methodist Church inIlesha, Nigeria."
Sir David Frost was the only journalist to have interviewed allseven British prime ministers who held office between 1964 and2010, and every U.S. president who occupied the White House between1969 and 2008. His extensive career has been acknowledged with manyawards. In1969, he was appointed an OBE, made a Doctor of Laws inBoston and given a "Faith and Freedom" award for communicating therelevance of Judeo-Christian ethics to 20th century America. He wasknighted by the Queen in 1993.