26 October 2017
Welcome for major step in Anglican Methodist unity

The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conferencehave welcomed a major step towards in Anglican-Methodist unity.Yesterday, the Church of England's General Synod debated
The Revd Kenneth Howcroft, President of the Conference,said: "It was very good to attend the Church of England'sGeneral Synod to witness its debate on the JIC report 'TheChallenge of the Covenant'. The JIC's Co-Chairs Professor PeterHowdle and Bishop Christopher Cocksworth made introductory speechesthat set the tone for a very positive and encouraging debate."
Vice-President Gill Dascombe added: "I am greatly encouraged tohear that the General Synod, like the Conference, supported theJIC's recommendations so strongly. We now look forward to furtherdevelopments in our covenant relationship with the Church ofEngland as we serve God and our communities together."
Professor Howdle's address to the synod can be found