Chaplaincy Newsletter (April 2021)
12 April 2021
12 April 2021
Take Time for Chaplains
Need to take some time out? Join us for Take Time for Chaplains.
Each Monday at 12.45pm – 1.00pm or 1.30pm (Starting 12th April 2021)
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Gospel reading, these guided meditations are inspired by Ignatian Spirituality and Mindfulness.
Each meditation takes you to a different episode from a gospel. It allows you to picture yourself there and gives you space to engage with Jesus. The meditation will last less than 15 minutes, and finish at 1.00pm. For those who wish to stay on to 1.30pm, there will be a guided opportunity, to share and listen to the experiences of others.
To register and receive the Zoom link, please click here.
As part of the Methodist Church's #LoveThisCalling campaign, we're offering an online event for people who are interested in finding out more about chaplaincy. If you know anyone who is thinking about whether they are called to be a chaplain, this could be the event for them.
Click here for more details and registration information
Website Updates
The chaplaincy section of the Methodist website has been completely revamped.
You'll find new pages and information within our Exploring Chaplaincy section, particularly useful in finding out about different chaplaincy areas.
We now have a Chaplaincy Blog, with stories and articles from a range of different chaplaincies. We hope to regularly update this, so if you've got an idea for a blog post, please get in touch.
Plus, don't forget our Signpost for Chaplaincy page, which has links to relevant information for chaplains.
Connecting Chaplains Opportunities
Don't forget these opportunities for connecting with other chaplains...
Connexional Gathering of Chaplains (15th June, 2.00pm - 3.30pm)
Videos from our last gathering can now be found on our YouTube channel.
Monthly Tea/Coffee and Chat opportunities:
Agricultural Chaplaincy (14th April, 11.00am)
Community/Pioneer Chaplaincy (4th May, 3.00pm)
Higher Education Chaplaincy (5th May, 2.00pm)
Later Life Chaplaincy (4th May, 2.00pm)
Workplace Chaplaincy (5th May, 11.00am)
There are also regular opportunities for school, healthcare and prison chaplains, which are hosted by our partners.
Details of all the connecting chaplains opportunities can be found on our Connecting Chaplains page.
Final thought
I hope in these unusual times, you've had a blessed Easter. As always, if there is anything I can do to support you in your chaplaincy ministry, please do get in touch.
Every blessing,
Gary Hopkins
Email Me
Follow me on Twitter: @GaryHop
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