
Worship at Home services

The week before lockdown, back in 2020, we realised there would be a need for some basic resource to allow people to worship at home. Since then a weekly Worship at Home sheet has been commissioned by the Ministries Team and created by ministers and local preachers from across the connexion. We have been amazed to hear how thousands of these acts of worship have been distributed by post, by hand and by email. The plan was to stop this service at the end of August as worshipping life began to return to some sort of normality. However, we have been inundated with requests by ministers and circuits to keep up the good work. The Ministries Team is delighted that these acts of worship are valued and therefore are making arrangements for them to continue up until the end of 2021 when we will review again the uptake. Thank you for sharing with us the ways you have used these acts of worship. We hold you in prayer, as we work together in God’s mission to share the good news of Jesus to the world.