Saturday 30 August 2014

Bible Book:

“But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.” (v. 21)

John 15:18-27 Saturday 30 August 2014


As Jesus goes further into his night of betrayal, this dark anddifficult passage shows that he was fully aware of the troubles tocome, both for him and his disciples. Hatred is a strong word, butJesus certainly wasn't naïve. Many Christians in Britain seembewildered that people 'have stopped coming to church', while theirfaithful attendance continues. At the other end of the scale,followers of Jesus in so many countries around the world encounterreal torment, violence and oppression daily. We only need to looktowards Iraq recently to find Christian minorities fleeing fromtheir homes under great threat to their life. Many people, whereverthey are on this spectrum of Christian experience, will find Jesus'words to be powerfully encouraging and comforting.

Back in the Old Testament, Psalm109 is equally dark and troubling. The writer feels himselfharshly persecuted and seeks justice from God. It's possibly verse3 of this psalm that Jesus quotes here (verse 25). At the end ofthe cursing and vengeance of that psalm, those who are accusedunfairly will find comforting words, asking them to trust insteadin the steadfast love of God: "For he stands at the right hand ofthe needy, to save them from those who would condemn them to death"(Psalm 109:31). The image is that of Godstanding alongside as advocate or defence lawyer at a trial. Laterthat night, Jesus would stand before trial and be unfairly accusedhimself, so it's not surprising that this psalm (and others like it- eg Psalms 35 and 69) should be in his mind.

All who stand accused today of following Christ also need anadvocate against the accusations that will be thrown at them. Thiswill be the Spirit of Truth; the Holy Spirit. The Christian messageis not easy, because following Jesus truthfully will mean clashingwith or standing up against the powers of "the world". And thosepowers may not always be simply 'against God' (for Jesus' ownaccusers were very religious people), but rather persecution willcome on account of the name of Jesus (verse 21); that name which wehold up as Lord of the world. Jesus implies that his accusersshould have known better, and their attitudes and actions betraythat (however or whatever they worship) they actually don't knowGod at all. This is not to belittle or damn any particular group orreligion, but perhaps it is a perverse corruption of human naturethat a man who did only good works should be condemned and executedas a criminal. As the psalm said, "In return for my love theyaccuse me, even while I make prayer for them. So they reward meevil for good, and hatred for my love" (Psalm109:4-5). It's precisely this degeneration in 'the world' thatJesus has come to heal and restore to God's good image.

To Ponder

  • Do you feel persecuted or misunderstood by work colleagues,family or friends, because of your faith? How might the words ofJesus in this passage help you? Where can you go to find supportand encouragement?
  • Take a look at the websites of Open Doors,Release International or the BarnabasFund and see how you or your church can help persecutedChristians in others parts of the world.
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