Sunday 17 January 2016

Bible Book:

“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (v. 5)

John 2:1-11 Sunday 17 January 2016

Psalm: Psalm 36


This is the first miracle recorded in John's Gospel and thefirst of seven signs in the first half of the Gospel. Yet althoughJohn carefully records these signs, he still appears to view theireffectiveness rather ambiguously (see verse 11).

The position of this passage is significant. It comes afterintroductory material (the poetic prologue (John1:1-18) and the gathering of the disciples (John 1:19-51)) andbegins with a clear connection to the Resurrection - "On the thirdday" (v. 1). The public appearance of Jesus' mother, Mary, in thispassage is also significant: in John's Gospel the ministry of Jesusbegins and ends with the only stories including her.

If John's Gospel views belief that does not depend on signs tobe greater (see the words of Jesus to Thomas in John20:29), then here we see Mary as a disciple in her own right,through her faith, rather than depending on her family status. Shebelieves before the sign and that is surely important to those ofus who can no longer physically see Jesus. Mary demonstrates greatfaith and understanding as she leads them to Jesus as the one whocan meet their needs with abundance.

I have often thought the way Jesus addresses Mary as rather rude(verse 4); however, I'm becoming persuaded that this is an issue oftranslation and culture. It does, however, add emphasis to themovement of Mary from family to disciple, which is a theme of theSynoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) as we shall see tomorrow.

In this passage we see wonderful imagery with the empty symbolsof ritual (the stone jars used for purification rites) turned intoabundant sources of celebration. Surely this is a propheticforetaste of what is to come on the third day when the hour ofJesus arrives with hope of forgiveness, salvation and eternity. AndVerses 9 and 10 show that hope is far better than what has gonebefore, even if it is not recognised.

To Ponder

  • Is seeing Mary as a disciple with faith helpful? Why?
  • How do you find the tone of Jesus' speech? Does it fit yourunderstanding of him? In what ways is it helpful (or not)?
  • In what ways do you relate to Jesus as the creator of abundancefor celebration?
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