Tuesday 21 July 2015

Bible Book:

“For the grace of God had appeared, bringing salvation to all” (v. 11)

Titus 2:11-14 Tuesday 21 July 2015

Psalm: Psalm 47


Paul's letter to Titus encourages integrity of leadership withina difficult setting, where the display of immoral behaviour is setagainst the idea that God's grace is already among us "… trainingus to renounce impiety and worldly passions ... while we wait forthe blessed hope and manifestation of the glory of God and ourSaviour Jesus Christ" (vv. 12-13).

It is God who redeems, and yet there is a waiting in the gapbetween what Jesus has achieved and its fruition. Hence Paul'sconcern for the church in Crete is that it will become a model forothers to see and emulate in devoting themselves to good works as aresponse to the gift already given. The closing line againencourages Titus to exhort and reprove with all authority, thatnone may look down on him in judgement.

Today we are often inspired by those parts of the Church whichface opposition either through religious or political ideology, orwhere it is more difficult to be a Christian. Often the Church'sresponse is to be as good as it can be in its moral and civilbehaviour, precisely offering itself as a community that cannot becriticised.

We also respect churches that have a strong sense of inclusivityor mission to those in their communities. There is a sense in whichthose who go beyond their comfort zone in order fulfil those kindsof compassionate giving do so recognising that the world is not aneasy place to be, imperfect and at times dangerous for thevulnerable. Jesus says, 'The poor will always be with you' (Matthew 26:11) - a phrase reminding us that theChurch cannot solve society's problems, but can stand alongsidethose who are in need. Integrity of purpose enables some to trust'church' and the God who gives us grace.

To Ponder

  • In these times and in your own context how might you become amodel or example of Church?
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