Wednesday 05 December 2012

Bible Book:

"And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake." (v. 37)

Mark 13:33-37 Wednesday 5 December 2012


Have you ever longed forsomething so much you could burst? A child waiting for Christmas? Alover waiting for the beloved to come home? An email or lettertelling you of good news?

Waiting for something you know iscoming is exciting and exhilarating - it makes you want to pop! Buthow do you feel about those things that you don't know are coming?What about those things that come as a surprise?

In this short parable Mark, whooffers overtones from other parables, tells the reader of a shortstory Jesus told that highlighted something a little differentabout the end days when Jesus would return again. In this story weare told that a man (Jesus) goes on a journey. This detail isimportant: it is not a party or a gathering where his return isset. It is a journey, so he will be away for a long time and thetiming of his return is uncertain.

However, the man has madeprovision for his absence - each slave has their duty to fulfil andthe door keepers are asked to be on watch. When he does return heexpects the work to be done and the watchers to have stayedawake.

This idea that Jesus could returnat anytime is unnerving. I might well meet him in the supermarket,the pub or the bookmakers. He could end up in the brothel or thedrug den, sleeping homeless or sitting in a room alone withprofound disability. He might be the elderly woman or the brazenyoung man.

Our task is simply to "keepawake"; to be attentive to the narrative of God in the person ofJesus; to continue faithfully in the tasks that we have been calledto; and to watch ... so that when he does come - we see!

To Ponder

  • How do we prepare for something that we do not know iscoming?
  • Where have you seen Jesus recently?
  • What is it that God has called you to?
  • How are you remaining faithful to that call?

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