Wednesday 25 December 2013

Bible Book:

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” (v. 7)

Luke 2:1-20 Wednesday 25 December 2013


This story is grounded in time by Luke's Gospel because timematters. It was in the rule Augustus, a real character whose headcomes up on coins found on Time Team. It was under the governorshipof Quirinius, a real governor, and took place in real historicallocations - Joseph and Mary travelling with the bump from Nazarethto Judea, to a place called Bethlehem. The journey can be madetoday; though despite modern methods of travel, it will involve youin the challenging experience of ancient boundaries and conflictshard landscaped into the area. Luke's Gospel wants us to know thisactually happened; to evoke in us the vulnerability of travelling,close to term, of a young woman about to have her first baby; of ananxious husband-to-be forced by decree to travel and ensure a safeplace for his fiancé; of a place full to the brim with people, andhaving little regard, or care, or space for a child to be born.

Luke wants us to hear of the shepherds in their fields (verses8-20), and assumes we know how lowly their status. He wants us tosee the nervous new mother with a child that comes, as all babies,without clear instructions or a helpful contact number. If he couldLuke would want us to scratch the paper and smell the shelter forthe baby and the shepherds in their work clothes. This is thepoint, the theological point, and it matters to read this astheology and not just an ancient tale or the basis of a millionscripts and dramas - God, really, concretely, in time, in place'with us'.

And we are meant to notice the angels; the wonder of a Godmoment, expressed by beings outside our normal experience, but seenin the midst of what is intended as the most basic and human oftimes.

Someone once said to me, "it's more than a story, it's true". Infact it is so true that it can only be told as a story, one to'inhabit' and enjoy as children do so well. It cannot be dissectedor simply agreed to. We are not asked: do you believe it happened?We asked far more than this to enter into and live it. "Our Godcontracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man." (CharlesWesley)

To Ponder

  • It's Christmas day so simply ponder these things in your heartlike Mary and enjoy the feasting.
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