Sunday 13 Ocobter, 2019
- General:
- Lectionary
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
Come and see, come and see (StF 270)
I'll praise my maker (StF 79)
Set loose the tongues (website only)
Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-7
Be still and know that I am God (StF 18)
* Come build the Church - not heaps of stone (StF 679)
In this house all people will be welcome (website only)
Let us build a house where love can dwell (StF 409)
O Lord, we are always in your presence (StF 33)
There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (StF 738)
There’s a spirit in the air (StF 398)
Through all the changing scenes of life (StF 638)
Timeless God, you hold our story (website only)
You’re calling us and so we’re gathered here (StF 37)
Psalm 66: 1-12
Hymns reflecting the psalmist’s theme
A safe stronghold our God is still (StF 623)
All my hope on God is founded (StF 455)
Blessed be the name of the Lord (StF 40)
Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide (StF 459)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (StF 465)
2 Timothy 2: 8-15
Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (StF 675)
* Come build the Church - not heaps of stone (StF 679)
God of grace and God of glory (StF 682)
God, who made the stars of heaven (StF 7)
See, what a morning, gloriously bright (StF 309)
When our views are varied (website only)
When we are living, we are in the Lord (StF 485)
Luke 17: 11-19
Give thanks with a grateful heart (StF 78)
In the Lord I'll ever be thankful (StF 776)
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee (StF 686)
Just as I am, without one plea (StF 556)
Just as we are (website only)
Lord you have my heart and I will search for yours (StF 559)
My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (StF 635)
* O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to lead for friends (StF 653)
Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (StF 689)
We pray for healing and for health (website only)
* When we are tested and wrestle alone (StF 240)
You call us out to praise you (website only)
Alternative related readings
2 Kings 5: 1-3, 7-15b
God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (StF 629)
My soul finds rest in God alone (StF 633)
* O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to lead for friends (StF 653)
* The right hand of God is writing in our land (StF 715)
Wash me clean in that cool river (StF 453)
* When we are tested and wrestle alone (StF 240)
Psalm 111
Hymns reflecting the psalmist’s theme
Sweet is the work, my God, my King (StF 90)
* The right hand of God is writing in our land (StF 715)
Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
Come and see, come and see (StF 270)
I'll praise my maker (StF 79)
Set loose the tongues (website only)
Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-7
Be still and know that I am God (StF 18)
* Come build the Church - not heaps of stone (StF 679)
In this house all people will be welcome (website only)
Let us build a house where love can dwell (StF 409)
O Lord, we are always in your presence (StF 33)
There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (StF 738)
There’s a spirit in the air (StF 398)
Through all the changing scenes of life (StF 638)
Timeless God, you hold our story (website only)
You’re calling us and so we’re gathered here (StF 37)
Psalm 66: 1-12
Hymns reflecting the psalmist’s theme
A safe stronghold our God is still (StF 623)
All my hope on God is founded (StF 455)
Blessed be the name of the Lord (StF 40)
Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide (StF 459)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (StF 465)
2 Timothy 2: 8-15
Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (StF 675)
* Come build the Church - not heaps of stone (StF 679)
God of grace and God of glory (StF 682)
God, who made the stars of heaven (StF 7)
See, what a morning, gloriously bright (StF 309)
When our views are varied (website only)
When we are living, we are in the Lord (StF 485)
Luke 17: 11-19
Give thanks with a grateful heart (StF 78)
In the Lord I'll ever be thankful (StF 776)
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee (StF 686)
Just as I am, without one plea (StF 556)
Just as we are (website only)
Lord you have my heart and I will search for yours (StF 559)
My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (StF 635)
* O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to lead for friends (StF 653)
Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (StF 689)
We pray for healing and for health (website only)
* When we are tested and wrestle alone (StF 240)
You call us out to praise you (website only)
Alternative related readings
2 Kings 5: 1-3, 7-15b
God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (StF 629)
My soul finds rest in God alone (StF 633)
* O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to lead for friends (StF 653)
* The right hand of God is writing in our land (StF 715)
Wash me clean in that cool river (StF 453)
* When we are tested and wrestle alone (StF 240)
Psalm 111
Hymns reflecting the psalmist’s theme
Sweet is the work, my God, my King (StF 90)
* The right hand of God is writing in our land (StF 715)