Wake, O my soul, to earth and sea and sky
Wake to the forests, fields the mountains high
Open my eyes to every rock and tree
The Holy in all we see
- Composers & arrangers: Mayberry, Pat (comp)
- Elements of Worship: Gathering
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Theme: Gathering in God's Presence
- Theme: Morning and Evening
- Theme: The Adoration of God
- Theme: Wholeness of Creation
- Authors & translators: Mayberry, Pat (auth)
- Authors & translators: Kai, David (auth)
- Composers & arrangers: Kai, David (comp)
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Theme: Jesus Risen and Ascended
- Theme: Morning and Evening
- Theme: Conflict, Suffering and Doubt
- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Morning and Evening
- Theme: Our Journey with God
- Hymns on StF+: Hymns only online (submit to
- Authors & translators: Prince, Rachael (auth)
- Composers & arrangers: Prince, Rachael (comp)