

Information and interviews about COP26 in Glasgow in 2021.

  • Final Agreement. The Presidency reacts to the final deal agreed on 13th November. Read statements by the Revd Sonia Hicks and Barbara Easton here
  • Global Declaration. Over 20 senior leaders from Methodist Churches around the world have signed a joint statement calling on world leaders to act at COP26 to achieve climate justice. Read the declaration here.
  • Young COP26 workers gather from across the globe. Senior Media Officer Anna McCrum interviews James, Mollie and Irene, three of the young Climate Justice for All (CJ4A) activists attending COP26
  • What happened at the Methodist Hub in Glasgow? Anna McCrum talks to the Revd Laurent Vernet, from our COP26 Hub at Woodlands Methodist Church, about the exciting events happening over the next few days.

The Revd Andrew Baker tells us about the 'green emphasis' growing across the Strathclyde circuit.

“I think over the past few years we at the CFB have probably been guilty of not listening as intently as we could to the voice of the Methodist people.” Listen to an interview from Glasgow with the Revd Andrew Harper, Head of Ethics for the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church.

Read a blog from the Revd Sonia Hicks, President of the Methodist Conference on why and how you can take action on climate change here

In case you missed it - watch this excellent series of talks hosted by Bramhall Methodist Church where seven eminent scientists from a range of disciplines discuss how  their scientific knowledge informs how they pray for our planet. .

Read a series of blogs from the Revd Simon Topping on climate justice here.

Listen to a special podcast for Earth Day 2021.

Faith Leaders call for a green recovery.