
When? Week of 18-25 January


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated every year from 18 to 25 January, between the feast days of St Peter and St Paul. Material for worship and for study is produced by a different country each year under the oversight of the World Council of Churches. Ruth Gee writes: "This provides an opportunity for local churches to worship, pray and study together, conscious of the wider, global Christian family. There is also the opportunity to share together in mission and service and other ways which might continue to develop over the following months or years."

For 2024, the resources have been produced by the churches in Burkina Faso in West Africa on the theme “You shall love the Lord your God . . . and your neighbour as yourself. . .” (Luke 10:27). Ruth Gee says: "Burkina Faso is experiencing a serious security crisis and this has affected all the communities of faith. In this context faith leaders have been working together, seeking lasting solutions for peace and assisting internally displaced persons."


Resource materials have been published in English and Welsh by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland under the title Go and do likewise: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024. They include further information about the Week of Prayer and the churches in Burkina Faso, along with an order of service for ecumenical worship and daily reflections and prayers.

Ruth adds: "These eight days are a focused time when we can remember and join in with Jesus’ prayer that his followers would be one (John 17: 21). We have much to learn from one another as we walk together, there are many gifts to receive from other Christians and there are also challenges which can help us to grow closer together in Christ.  If January 18-25 is not convenient, the material can be used at any time of the year, in any church service, prayer meeting, bible study group or by individuals."

Take a look at some of the hymns in Singing the Faith that speak of life and unity in the Church.

We also highlight hymns published on this site that explore the realities of accepting diverse views and concerns within a united Christian community.

The Methodist Church has a number of formal ecumenical partnerships and covenant agreements

David Carter has produced notes for preachers and worship leaders that trace the history and significance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Downloadable as a Word document or PDF.

To explore further what we mean when we're talking about "Christian unity" and why many people think it's important and (crucially) biblical, two reports are worth taking some time with:

The Church: towards a common vision, published in 2013 by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and debated  by a plenary session of the WCC Central Committee in June 2020.

The bishop and Christian Unity, a handbook published by the Vatican in December 2020 to assist Catholic Bishops in fulfilling their ecumenical responsibilities.