About Walking with Micah

The Methodist Church is committed to being a justice-seeking Church. Through its Walking with Micah Project, we are invited to join in conversations about what our justice priorities and principles should be.

On the WWM pages, you can find a range of resources to support your conversations and reflections, including resources for worship (order of service, sermon, prayers) and suggestions for organising a “justice conversation”. There is also guidance on how to feed your thoughts and feelings back to the Walking with Micah project organisers.

StF walks with Micah

On Singing the Faith Plus, we are providing additional worship and reflection materials, focusing on four different aspects of Walking with Micah: as examples, as activists, as evangelists and as allies.

Each section includes relevant Bible passages and hymns to explore.

In each section, we ask how hymns can help us Walk with Micah, and we include additional links to other resources and short articles that unpack the themes a little further. If you have suggestions of other hymns or worship music we might share, contact us at stfplus@methodistchurch.org.uk

Singing with Micah

We are delighted to be able to include in our resources We shall seek justice (website only) - an easily learned sung response by Sally Buckner and Larry E. Schultz, included by special permission of Larry E. Schultz.

All worship resources published on Singing the Faith Plus are designed for use in worship or opening and closing devotions when the Walking with Micah is being discussed or is the focus of a service.

StF+ resources can be reproduced in print, on slides or in other formats that suit your local situation.

  1. Walking with Micah. . . as examples
  2. Walking with Micah. . . as activists
  3. Walking with Micah. . . as evangelists
  4. Walking with Micah. . . as allies

More hymns