Walking with Micah. . . more hymns

walking-with-micah-sm-imagewalking-with-micah-sm-imageIn our reflections on different aspects of Walking with Micah, we have identified a number of hymns that may be helpful to you in worship and reflection.

Below are some additional suggestions. Do you have others? If so, let us know by emailing stfplus@methodistchurch.org.uk

We shall seek justice (website only) - included by special permission of Larry E. Schultz

Come, thou long-expected Jesus (StF 169)
God weeps at love withheld (StF 700)
Have you heard God’s voice; has your heart been stirred? (StF 662)
I, the Lord of sea and sky (StF 663)
To the dark place, bring a candle (StF+) tune: Scarlet Ribbons
We lay our broken world (718) confession

Justice and Peace section of Singing the Faith (#693—722)

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