
Local Lay-Pastors are complementary to but distinct from the ministries of presbyters, deacons and other lay officers in enabling the Church’s mission for the sake of the world. They are part of the ministry of the whole people of God in mission responding to God’s calling.

If a Circuit has effectively reviewed their mission needs and opportunities, they should be able to provide a model of ministry with appropriate responsibilities where roles are able to flourish. This should include people working to their strengths, using their gifts in ways that enable the whole Circuit to flourish, and appropriate sharing out of ministry tasks that often feel less life-giving, but are essential to the effective running of a Circuit.

Planning for collaboration should be intentional and considered when the mission and ministry review happens. To plan for collaboration, it is important to consider how ministry will be structured and organised.

  • Who will have responsibility for what?
  • Who will oversee whom?
  • What meetings will happen to ensure there is effective sharing and communication?
  • How will individuals share with each other how their ministry is developing?
  • How will issues be raised and talked about as the Circuit develops its ministry in new and exciting ways?
  • Who will lead on what aspects and in what ways?
  • How will those in ministry be supported in letting go as they trust others to take on particular responsibilities?
  • How will you ensure that people are given appropriate space in ministry to develop their practice whilst also being held to account and supported?
  • How will you ensure there is effective mutual support, particularly considering each other’s wellbeing and sharing the load when there are particularly difficult situations or times in ministry?
  • How will you ensure churches, congregations or gathered communities know the structure and understand how ministry is shared across the Circuit?