
Useful Training, Learning and Development Links

Training for Circuit Stewards
Forthcoming training, learning and development events, and videos from previous training sessions.

Positive Working Together
Positive Working Together encourages us to reflect on the importance of the way in which we engage and interact with each other within the life of the church and the wider community.

Unconscious Bias
This Unconscious Bias Training session is aimed particularly at those engaged in the stationing invitation process, but is also applicable for those on circuit meetings and church councils.

Monthly Mission Planning Surgeries
The Evangelism and Growth Team, in collaboration with the Learning Network, offer monthly 'mission planning surgeries'.

Transformational Leadership
The team coaching programme is all about helping you change, helping your church or circuit to change, and enabling change for the better in the wider world. 


Useful Links

The Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture.

Managing Trustees
Information supporting stewards in their role as managing trustees.

More than just a building... got questions about your church building, or need more general advice?

Finance information
Church money matters. 

The Constitutional Practice and Discipline
This outlines the doctrine and procedures in the Methodist Church, including the duties of the church steward.

Charity Registration
Information on Trustee eligibility declaration forms.

Data Protection - Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
Information and guidance about data protection and GDPR.


Circuit Stewards’ Induction Training Materials

Leader’s Manual
Module 1 training materials
Module 2 training materials
Module 3 training materials
Module 4 training materials