
We meet regularly on Zoom for support, prayer and encouragement. It is a chance to share knowledge and get to know people across the country who may be doing similar work to you. Each time we make sure every individual is heard and each of us is held in prayer.

We would love for you to join the next one. Please contact us to get the zoom link : methodistcitycentrenetwork@gmail.com

Anna shares her experience of being part of MCCN check-ins:

I am part of the Methodist City Centre Network. We bring together people involved in Methodist ministry in city and large town centres: volunteers, lay and ordained staff. During lockdown we have met every couple of months on Zoom to check-in with one another to see how each of us is doing.

I have been amazed and inspired by the vulnerability of the space; people have shared so beautifully and openly. Some of us may know one another better and others of us may be newer to the network but it seems to me all have felt equal and safe to share the difficult things going on for them professionally and personally. I think the commonality of many of our experiences has really helped people feel safe and among friends.

Each time we have a quiet time to begin with, grounding people and helping them be present in this moment; not thinking about whatever the worries and activities of that particular day are. We always have a time all together and then times of prayer in smaller break-out rooms. Each person shares how they are doing and receives prayer for their particular situation.

In this strange year many people have felt the loss of times of group prayer, support and sharing. I hope these regular check-ins have helped to fill that gap at this time when personal prayer has never felt more valuable. I hope these times of solidarity and support continue over the coming months as we continue to adjust to a rapidly changing situation.