
Guidance in relation to welcome services

  1. Methodist ministers (presbyters and deacons) and probationers are stationed by the Conference to circuits and other appointments. For this reason, the beginning of an appointment is marked by a service of welcome, rather than one of induction. Such services offer an opportunity to give thanks for the arrival of ministers and probationers, and for them to be presented to, welcomed by, and prayed for by the circuit or those related to the other appointment, as well as by ecumenical representatives, civic leaders, and other appropriate persons.
  2. Careful thought and adequate time should be given to making arrangements for such a service. When a newly-appointed presbyter is to be the new Superintendent, the senior Circuit Steward should ensure that this takes place. The Superintendent, Chair of District (where appropriate), Circuit Stewards and those being welcomed should consult regarding a suitable date. The Superintendent and the Chair of District (where appropriate) should decide who is to preside and who to preach, read Scripture, lead the prayers of intercession, etc. Those who are being welcomed might also be invited to contribute to the service, e.g. in the choice of hymns.
  3. If a presbyter, deacon, or probationer is to be welcomed to a pioneering appointment, see The Welcome of Presbyters, Deacons and Probationers Stationed to Pioneering Appointments which is available on the ‘Additional Methodist liturgies’ of the Methodist Church web-site.
  4. Note 4 on p.355 of The Methodist Worship Book indicates how a lay worker may be commissioned during a welcome service. Since the publication of The Methodist Worship Book, a number of other commissioning services have been made available on the ‘Additional Methodist liturgies’ of the Methodist Church web-site. If a pioneer is to be commissioned during a welcome service, nos. 10 and 11 of The Commissioning of a Pioneer (lay) are inserted immediately before no. 18 of the Welcome Service. If a local lay-pastor is to be commissioned during a welcome service, nos. 1–6 of The Commissioning of Local Lay-Pastors are inserted immediately before no. 18 of the Welcome Service.
  5. Welcomes (no. 19) should be well prepared beforehand.
    1. If circuit representatives are to offer a welcome it should be clear as to who is to do so and in what capacity.
    2. If ecumenical representatives, civic leaders and other appropriate persons are to be invited this should be done individually and a reply requested. It should be made clear what is expected of each person in terms of the welcome to be given and whether this should be a brief greeting from themselves or on behalf of others. They should be greeted on their arrival and any change to the names of representatives noted.
    3. Whoever is to “oversee” the welcomes within the act of worship should be provided with a list and invite representatives to come forward separately thus enabling the minster(s) and/or probationer(s) and congregation to be aware of those present and what or whom they represent.
  6. It is desirable for some space to be provided between each petition in the prayers of intercession (no. 21) or for some biddings to be offered for how the silences might best be used. Prayers for the minister(s) and/or probationer(s) themselves and their family/families (where appropriate) might be helpfully included in the second petition.