
A prayer for black artists

bhm-prayer-artistsFather God,

Thank you for making us all- your children- in your image. Thank you for the talents, the gifts and the intricacies of our personalities that you have fashioned within us. You allow these to become beacons of light for the world around us. You shine when we use these well. We thank you  for this opportunity.

This Black History Month, we want to thank you for the gifts of black music, black art and black creativity that you have allowed us to experience through your black children. These beacons of light remind us to celebrate, to meditate and to overcome in all times. They remind us that we should look for meaning in this life.

We pray that you may remind us to value the contributions of black artists of all strands this October and throughout our lives. It is important that their works are valued; that they are paid on time and fairly for their work; and that they are treated respectfully wherever they are. We aspire to follow the model of all-inclusive respect that your son Jesus Christ showed us.

In his name, we pray.