
Once a Local Lay-Pastor has successfully completed their probation period, they move to their core development. This usually takes two years from the start of their appointment. During this period they are required to complete the remaining four core Local Lay-Pastor modules at Cliff College. They also need to demonstrate they are meeting all of the core competencies.

Regular line-management meetings are key to the success of meeting and evidencing all of the core competencies. Effective conversations will identify giftings and strengths and areas that need developing, providing appropriate support and actions. The Line-Management Core form is designed to support and evidence this (LLP-LM-Core).

Once a Local Lay-Pastor has completed all of the six core Local Lay-Pastor modules at Cliff College and is demonstrating they are able to meet all of the core competencies, the line-manager conducts the Accreditation Assessment Meeting and completes the LLP-Accreditation form and supplies a copy to Ministries: Vocations and Worship in the Connexional Team.

The Local Lay-Pastor then receives a Certificate of Accreditation issued by Ministries: Vocations and Worship in the Connexional Team.