
This section contains links to lots of resources for further individual learning about a wide range of topics.  All of them have been recommended to the Methodist Church by people with experience in the relevant field.  Not all of these external resources will always share a Methodist ethos or theology.  However, that does not mean we cannot learn more about equality, diversity and inclusion issues from reading these resources, and then apply that learning within church life, to better ensure justice, dignity and solidarity within our fellowship.

This video from the Learning Network gives guidance on Critical Thinking and how we can help ourselves to learn, even when we are considering resources that contain things that make us uncomfortable, or with which we disagree theologically: https://youtu.be/pBYp8Ke8YmU

If you find anything in these resources that you consider inappropriate, please reflect on what learning you can take from the resource and why other Methodists might have recommended it.  Please also contact Equality&diversity@methodistchurch.org.uk to report the resource so it can be reviewed and removed from this list if necessary.


Arise: www.arisefdn.org
Non-Governmental Organisation who work across the world to protect communities from exploitation


A Ship Called Dignity:
A reflection on the lyrics of the Deacon Blue song


Enough: enough-report.pdf (jointpublicissues.org.uk)
Report calling for an end to children growing up in families without enough money.


JPIT: Poverty and Inequality: Poverty and Inequality (jointpublicissues.org.uk) Navigation
The work of the Joint Public Issues Team on injustice, inequality and poverty in UK society.


Oceans of Justice: 
Video of Rachel Lampard giving her Vice-President address to the Methodist Conference of 2016


Small Group Poverty Study Guide:
Resources for small groups to study Poverty, from the Inclusive Church


Talking about poverty framing toolkit:
Resource from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to help frame stories about poverty


Truth and Lies: JPIT-Truth And Lies Report Final.indd
Report exposing myths about poverty.


Voices from the Margins: Voices from the Margins - Church Action on Poverty (church-poverty.org.uk)
A blog where people with lived experience of poverty can speak truthfully, free from misrepresentation.