
Be coached as a team

Applications are now open

Do you have a desire for transformation in your circuit, church, New Place for New People (NPNP) or Church at the Margins (CaM) and you're wondering how to bring it about? Are you looking to develop your leadership skills and those of your team? Do you sense that change is afoot, and that you need some help to lead change well? Team coaching has the potential to help in all this. The team coaching programme is all about helping you change, helping your church or circuit to change, and enabling change for the better in the wider world. 

When a whole team is coached, rather than an individual, several things happen:

  • More people have access to new insights;
  • More of the church or circuit 'system' is involved in transformation;
  • Lay and ordained leaders have a greater chance of moving into transformation because they are not working alone.

Applications are now open for teams of about 3-8 people from a church, circuit, or NPNP/CaM team to begin team coaching. You can join the programme at any time in the year. A year's worth of monthly team coaching sessions are fully funded by The Methodist Church, with the option to continue for two further years. You may wish to complement the team coaching by attending monthly Leading into Change webinars, regional action learning away days, or a January weekend residential conference, but this is entirely optional.

Committing to monthly team coaching is a significant investment of time, but the potential benefits are enormous. In the short term, we would expect you to have a better understanding of who you are as leaders, where you are as a church/circuit/NPNP or CaM team, and what you believe God is calling you to do. In the longer term, we expect you to see your churches, circuits, NPNPs and CaMs transformed in tangible ways for the benefit of your local community and the world God loves.

How to apply

If you are willing to learn, seeking to grow, and ready to take action, we would love to hear from you. If you are a group of people running a church, circuit, NPNP or CaM, and can commit to monthly team coaching sessions on Zoom, then please do get in touch. Apply now by emailing us at transform@methodistchurch.org.uk to explore how team coaching might help you.