
We’d love you to become part of the #RuralHope network and have hopefully made it easy!
You’re welcome to join us in any of the opportunities listed below. That might mean an hour online each term for a regular catch up, a one-off session on a particular topic that interests you, or a mixture depending upon your situation, role & interests.

The #RuralHope network is designed to support you as you live out your faith in your rural context.


Regional rural networking:

The Hub:

A national online ecumenical gathering for anyone involved with rural mission & ministry at a regional/district level.
Dates for 2024 are all Thursdays, 11.30am-12.30pm on 18 Jan, 23 May, 4 July & 10 Oct.
Please contact the Rural Officer for joining link.

Female rural leaders’ community of practice:

A monthly gathering online on the second Monday of each month (closed group currently, to register interest in joining the next cohort, please contact the Rural Officer)


Local rural leaders’ network:Online ecumenical gatherings for anyone interested in rural mission & ministry at local level. We gather termly around various strands of rural mission to explore and learn together. Dates will be added each term & further details can be found via our Eventbrite collection Rural Hope.

- Rural justice – we join with Church At the Margins, Let’s End Poverty & Joint Public Issues Team to provide the rural perspective on all issues of justice.

- Rural mission & merging work – we offer a termly space to gather for inspiration, hear stories, share top tips and connect with people and resources around merging for mission.

- Rural & rooted – a termly gathering open to anyone from a small church or rural community looking for ways to be church (even without a building.) Exploring Methodist Way of Life discipleship practices in rural contexts.

- Rural & Wild – a termly gathering partnering with Fresh Expressions, open to anyone wanting to share ideas, hear stories of outdoor church & network with others.

We’re also part of the wider Methodist Pioneering Pathways, encouraging rural pioneering & New Places for New People in rural contexts.