
Rural mission and ministry is all about being who God calls us to be in the places and communities we are part of and call home.

There is no one definition or standard blue-print for 'rural' across Britain, but our locations shape our calling and mission. Living in a rural area affects all aspects of our lives, both individually and as community, this includes how we are church.

The way we approach mission and ministry needs to fit our community context, in rural settings this works best ecumenically. 

Rural communities are facing challenges of sustainability; this includes our Christian communities. Small is beautiful - our presence and prayerful witness as Christians in these communities can and does make a difference, but needs resilience. As Methodists, we operate as part of a connexional whole and this section of the website is here to connect, support, encourage and inspire you.

Search, tag and share your stories of #RuralHope to be inspired and to inspire others.