On this page you can download Safeguarding Commitments and Key Contacts Posters and Domestic Abuse Posters. You can also find out how to order Domestic Abuse stickers.
Methodist Church Safeguarding Commitments and Key Contacts Posters

All Methodist churches, circuits and Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs) that follow the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church should display in a prominent location:
a) copies of the safeguarding commitments and key contacts posters, completed in line with the guidance below
Safeguarding Commitments and Contacts Poster - English language version for Methodist churches
Safeguarding Commitments and Contacts Poster – English language version for LEPs
Safeguarding Commitments and Contacts Poster – Welsh language version for Methodist churches
Safeguarding Commitments and Contact Poster – Welsh language version for LEPs
Please review the guidance below before using the posters. Posters may be printed at A4 or A3 size from the version supplied here. The posters may also be used in other Methodist premises where this is deemed appropriate and helpful.
Guidance on using the Safeguarding Commitments and Key Contacts Posters
b) a similarly designed local equivalent which contains the policy commitments contained within the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church and similar contact information: The poster should also contain details of where a hard copy or digital version of the local safeguarding policy can be found.
c) a copy of the local safeguarding policy based on the templates available at the following link
Domestic Abuse Posters and Stickers

The Methodist Council adopted a policy on domestic abuse in 2021 and now the Domestic Abuse Planning Group has produced an A3 poster for display on church notice boards and small stickers intended for display behind toilet doors (which have been found to be an effective and discrete place to share important information). The intention of the posters and stickers is to make clear the church’s commitment to highlighting the dangers of domestic abuse, in all its forms, and where people can find support to protect themselves.
As a church we can make a difference in highlighting issues such as domestic abuse, helping to remove the stigma that is often attached to the subject and thus helping to give victims and survivors the courage to come forward and seek support. Please feel free to download copies of the poster here.
Safeguarding Domestic Abuse Poster - September 2022
March 2024 Update
There are now four Domestic Abuse Posters available for download as follows:
- English poster with the national DA number
- Scottish poster with the national DA number
- Welsh poster with the national DA number
- Blank poster so other countries i.e. Jersey, Isle of Man etc. can add their own numbers.
We have been advised by the Publishing Team that the stickers with specific telephone numbers for Scotland and Wales will be available later in the year.
Domestic Abuse Stickers

Sheets of 12 stickers can be ordered from Methodist Publishing
Domestic Abuse sticker sheets - A4 sheet of 12 stickers - SFGDAS22 (methodistpublishing.org.uk)