
Frequently Asked Questions: 

Please note that queries about the Advanced Module Online Safeguarding course should be made in the first instance to your DSO/training officer. 

The Creating Safer Space (Safeguarding) Advanced Module Online inbox is for registration issues.  It is checked regularly, but not constantly.    Please be patient with us and you will get a reply as soon as possible.

In the meantime here are some helpful pointers for issues we get asked a lot:

1) I can't see the Advanced Module on the Theology X Dashboard. 

 If you are not seeing the 'Creating Safer Spaces - Advanced Module' on your TheologyX dashboard, please check that you have registered with the same email address as was on the email you received from us to confirm your registration.  If you've used an alternative, it will not work.

Likewise, if you've not received an email from us (AMOnlineLearning@methodistchurch.org.uk) explaining how to register with TheologyX then you are not registered - please contact your District Safeguarding Officer, or local training officer to get registered.

2) I am being told my email is already in use

If you are told your email is already in use and it won't allow you to register, it may be that you've previously registered with TheologyX, or its sibling site CliffX. In that case either use the password you used before or go to the 'Need help logging in?' (just under Password on the Sign In screen) and follow the instructions to reset your password.

3) It won't let me progress to the next module

If  you are 'stuck' and unable to progress beyond a given module, click on the 'Progress' link to the left of the screen. This will bring up a bar chart showing your progress to date. If any of the bars in your unit are not all the way to the top, then that's where your problem is.

Scroll down to the relevant unit and note which score(s) is/are marked 0/1 - these are the questions you need to correct in order to progress. You can jump towards the area of the course you need by clicking on the blue link above the relevant section.

4) I want to know about my gathered session

If you want to know about your gathered session, please contact your District Safeguarding Officer or training officer locally. We do not have that information.