Methodist Council papers 27-28 January 2016
27 January 2016
Hothorpe Hall, Theddingworth
MC16-1 Decisions made by the Council since the last meeting
MC16-4 Consolidated Accounts coversheet
MC16-6 Connexional Team report
MC16-7 The Use of Property for Mission
MC16-9 Responding to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
MC16-10 Development of Camden Methodist Church
MC16-12 Significant Anniversaries
MC16-15 Statistics for Mission
MC16-17 Budget discussion paper
MC16-18 Connexional Allowances Committee
MC16-20 Resourcing Leadership Working Party
MC16-21 Marriage and Relationships Working Party
MC16-22 Connexional Manse Trustees
MC16-23 EDI summary of responses
MC16-24 Appointment of Working Group to Review the Arrangements for Covenants of Care
MC16-25 Ecumenical Appointments
MC16-26 Ecumenical Associate Members
MC16-27 Remuneration Committee terms of reference