The Connexion is a free magazine about the life and work of the Methodist Church, bringing together inspirational stories from Methodist people who are passionate about sharing God’s love to change lives.
Latest issue of The Connexion magazine

Issue 35 - Cutting edge
In issue 35 of The Connexion we visit a cottage John Wesley stayed in that now hosts workshops for schoolchildren.
Methodism founder John Wesley is estimated to have travelled 250,000 miles in 50 years to teach people about the Christian faith. During his travels, Wesley (and his fellow travelling preachers) relied heavily upon local community members to provide rest and refreshment.
Among Wesley’s hosts was a Cornwall couple who, in 1744, extended their stone cottage to ensure that he and his associates could establish Methodism in the region. 280 years later, the cottage (now a museum) has started hosting workshops for schoolchildren to learn about Wesley and his teachings. You can find out more in this issue of the magazine.
Also in this issue, you can read about a new faith-based hairdresser’s that’s welcoming, and sharing God’s love with, people who feel unable to go to an ordinary salon. There’s also news from a church that’s providing community members with warmth, food and company during the winter months, and a story about how a Methodist couple are expressing their faith through serving as foster parents.
Other highlights include the relocation of the first Methodist Church-sponsored RHS garden, and a report from a visit to the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands Methodist District by the Vice-President of the Methodist Church, Carolyn Godfrey.
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Back issues
If you would like additional or back issues of the magazine (while stocks last), please order by emailing:, or by telephoning 01603 785928 or visiting the Methodist Publishing website quoting the issue number (see below).
There is a charge of £2.50 to cover postage and packing.
If you have any comments about the magazine, positive or negative, please let the Editor know.
Earlier issues (click link to download a Pdf)
- the connexion issue 34 - Summer 2024 Showing our mettle
- the connexion issue 33 - Spring 2024 Open air faith
- the connexion issue 32 - Autumn 2023 Out of the Ordinary
- the connexion issue 31 - Summer 2023 Welcoming everyone
- the connexion issue 30 - Spring 2023 Room for faith
- the connexion issue 29 - Winter 2023 Kindle a flame
- the connexion issue 28 - Autumn 2022 There is room
- the connexion issue 27 - Summer 2022 Open to God's spirit
- the connexion issue 26 - Spring 2022 Doing justice
- the connexion issue 25 - Winter 2022 Living it out
- the connexion issue 24 - Autumn 2021 God for all
- the connexion issue 23 - Summer 2021 Be bold
- the connexion issue 22 - Spring 2021 Love this Calling
- the connexion issue 21 - Winter 2020 Light of Life
- the connexion issue 20 - Autumn 2020 Hope for a better future
- the connexion issue 19 - Summer 2020 Singing a new song
- the connexion issue 18 - Spring 2020 Letting go
- the connexion issue 17 - Winter 2020 Choices: choosing life
- the connexion issue 16 - Autumn 2019 Going for growth
- the connexion issue 15 - Summer 2019 So what's the story?
- the connexion issue 14 - Spring 2019 Making and growing disciples
- the connexion issue 13 - Winter 2019 Journeying
- the connexion issue 12 - Summer 2018 Vocation
- the connexion issue 11 - Spring 2018 Sharing Testimonies
- the connexion issue 10 - Winter 2018 Our Calling
- the connexion issue 9 - Autumn 2017 Transformational leadership
- the connexion issue 8 - Spring 2017 Transition
- the connexion issue 7 - Winter 2017 Thinking big
- the connexion issue 6 - Summer 2016 Authentic partnership
- the connexion issue 5 - Spring 2016 Spirit-led enthusiasm
- the connexion issue 4 - Winter 2016 A green light to mission
- the connexion issue 3 - Autumn 2015 Arts in mission
- the connexion issue 2 - Spring 2015 Chaplaincy
- the connexion issue 1 - Winter 2015 Evangelism