Ecumenical Associate Members of the Methodist Conference 2024. L-R: Catherine Stephenson (CofE); Fr Jan Nowotnik (Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales); Vice President & President of the Conference; Bishop John Armes (SEC); Revd Geoffrey Clarke (URC)

What is Ecumenism?

The word 'ecumenical', or the original Greek 'oikoumene', is derived from a root word meaning to 'inhabit'. It literally means the 'inhabited earth' or 'the whole world'.

'Oikoumene' is a relational dynamic concept which extends beyond the fellowship of Christians and churches to the human community within the whole of creation. The World Council of Churches in 1951 defined ecumenical in the light of the original Greek, 'to describe everything that relates to the whole task of the whole church to bring the Gospel to the whole world. It therefore covers … both unity and mission in the context of the whole world'.
(extracted from Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, 2002, p.840)

For any questions please email the Connexional Ecumenical Officer.