The Methodist Church logo
The Methodist Church logo is a branding which identifies publications, advertising, noticeboards, correspondence, and so on, as part of the body of work of the Methodist Church in Britain.
It is used on all printed material that is produced by the Methodist Church Connexional Team, the Methodist Conference and (increasingly) by other Methodist organisations at all levels across the country. The logo is the Orb and Cross together with the wording The Methodist Church.
Digital version
Right-click and select 'Save image as'

Print versions
- Red-on-white Methodist Church logo (Hi Res JPG format)
- Black-on-white Methodist Church logo (Hi Res JPG format)
- Red-on-transparent background Methodist Church logo (Hi Res PNG format)
- Red-on-white Methodist Church logo (EPS RGB format)
- Red-on-white Methodist Church logo (EPS CMYK/Pantone 186 format)
- Black-on-white Methodist Church logo (EPS format)
When using the Methodist Church logo observe the following design guidelines
- Franklin Gothic Demi for the word 'Methodist'
- Franklin Gothic Book for the words 'The' and 'Church'
- Capitals 'T' on The, 'M' on Methodist, 'C' on Church
- Do not use capitals throughout (ie THE METHODIST CHURCH)
Orb and Cross logo
- This should sit proportionally above and to the right of the word 'Church' so that the bottom-most point of the orb is on the same horizontal as the highest point of the 'h' of 'Church' and the left-most point of the orb is on the same vertical as the high point of the arch of the 'h' of 'Church'.
More information about the Orb and Cross
Colour version
- Preferably the logo should be 'Methodist red' against a white background
- Or should be white against a 'Methodist red' background
- The Methodist Red, the traditional colour of Pentecost, may be taken to symbolise the Methodist conviction that through the power of the Holy Spirit, all humanity may be saved. For this reason, The Methodist Red should appear on every piece of communication wherever possible
Methodist Red
- Pantone 186
- C 15 M 100 Y 100 K 5
- R 197 G 23 B 24
- Hex #c51718
Black and white version
- Preferably logo should be black on a white background