
The 2019 Marriage and Relationships report

The Report

GOD IN LOVE UNITES US: The Report of the Marriage and Relationships Task Group 2019 (Pdf)

     Large print version of the Report (Pdf)


DUW MEWN CARIAD SY’N EIN HUNO: Adroddiad y Grŵp Tasg Priodas a Pherthnasoedd 2019 - Welsh version (Pdf)


Hard copies of the GOD IN LOVE UNITES US report can also be obtained from the Methodist Publishing website (free + P%P)


Ancillary documents 

Below are a number of Ancilliary Papers relating to the report of the Marriage and Relationships Task Group.

Please note: The report does not depend on these papers. They have not been presented to the Conference or approved by any formal body in the Methodist Church. They were written as background papers or to help the Task Group think through some particular issues as it sought to come to a mind and develop its views in writing its report. They are not necessarily the considered view of the whole of the Task Group, but are offered here in the hope that some may find them stimulating, challenging or illuminating.

A - Statistics about gender, sexuality, families and households 

B - Legal developments in the history of marriage and relationships 

C - Scripture, experience, reason and tradition

D - How the work requested in recent Conference reports on marriage and relationships is taken up by the 2019 report

E - Prayers, public thanksgivings and blessings 

F - Selected bibliography

G - Past Methodist Conference reports and other Methodist Church materials relating to marriage and relationships