
Val Ogden

Revd Val Ogden was a  Mission Partner, in Fiji ( August 2014 -  August 2018) serving as a Director of Theological Education by Extension at the Pacific Theological College (PTC). Val  had previously served at the United Church of Zambia (were she was ordained) and her ministry has been exercised in broadcasting, in Methodist Circuits, in ecumenical appointments and in global mission education at Selly Oak and the Queen's Foundation, Birmingham.



The Pacific Theological College in Fiji 

Val is living and working on the campus of the Pacific Theological College in Fiji and here she is talking with some of the students about their lives, their ministries and their studies:

Val has created this great PDF presentation about Mission in Fiji and the many ways in which she engages with the local community and at the Pacific Theological College. Click here to view it

The programme exists to:
• train lay Christians in the Pacific, both men and women, for theologically informed service in various forms of ministry
• develop Christian responses to social issues affecting church and society in the Pacific, such as environment, poverty, politics, justice and reconcilliation
• enable people to learn in their own environment and at their own speed.



The experience raised for me yet again that sensitive and tricky issue about the vital value, actually, of emerging leaders in churches across the world being able to find and use their voices in English too, whenever possible. To be able to address public gatherings with competence and confidence is a mighty skill and affords you a place on the global stage, representing and advocating on behalf of our local context and community. And your Church, potentially.

Val Ogden